Amber Lately

Ah! It�s already June! Sorry I've been MIA the last couple of weeks. I've been so busy! Between our trip to NYC, wedding planning (ah, 4 months away!), trying to up my running mileage to prepare for upcoming races, softball season starting, and my birthday, things have been crazy town. Don�t worry, I�ll be back soon with something tasty for you, but in the meantime, here�s a little look at what I've been up to! 

Loves Food, Loves to EatNYC! We visited one of my BFF/Bridesmaids and her husband for Memorial weekend, so fun! We did some sunning and wine drinking in Central Park, rode bikes all over Brooklyn, and of course, ate a ton of amazing food�the highlight was Roberta�s Pizza!

Loves Food, Loves to EatI�m an old lady! I turned 29 yesterday� last year of my twenties, folks, watch out! Actually, I�m really stoked to be 29. I think this is going to be a stellar year. It started off with the biggest and best Texas Chocolate Sheet Cake ever (made by Amanda)! Also, in the most magical twist of fate ever, my birthday also happens to be National Cheese Day, National Hug Your Cat Day, National Running Day, AND the Seahawks birthday! 

Loves Food, Loves to EatAnd I share a birthday with Angelina Jolie, Scott Wolf (um, Bailey for life, am I right?), Buddy Wakefield, and Evan�s grandma. Not to mention, yesterday my sweet tiny little bitty baby cousin Wyatt graduated from high school! Big day! 

Loves Food, Loves to EatAlso, for my birthday week, all these fine folks decided to have DONUT WEEK on their blogs! Oh, that was for National Donut Day on Friday? Whatever. I�ll take it. Thanks guys, I love donuts!

And, of course, I'll go ahead and just invite myself to this donut party with some baked donut goodness of my own:

Loves Food, Loves to Eat

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