Honey Glazed Marmite Roast Chicken ??????

Marmite is a British favourite and it is traditionally eaten as a savoury spread on bread, crackers and toast. In my home, we never eat it this way. When I was a child, my mom used to add Marmite to porridge to enhance the flavour and make savoury broth by mixing Marmite with water. I don't remember how she use it in cooking but I do remembered I love to eat Marmite chicken at the Chinese eateries when I was a teenager.


Marmite chicken is one of my favourite dish. This dish is normally deep fried and glazed with a thick and sweet Marmite sauce. At home, I hardly deep fried chicken, so I have created these Air Fried Marmite Chicken and Honey Glazed Marmite Roast Chicken recipes. Both recipes requires no oil in cooking which is healthier.  <<Click here for Air Fried Marmite Chicken recipe >>

This Honey Glazed Marmite Roast Chicken was created by me, specially for my son who loves roast chicken. He's especially happy and excited when he sees me serving whole roast chicken. It's like a feast to him. And when he knew that it's Marmite flavour, he will show me the WOW face followed by this comment 'I LOVE MARMITE ROAST CHICKEN'. Yes, he is just like the mini me, a Marmite lover! 

This beautifully glazed Marmite Roast Chicken is flavourful, with a fusion of savoury and sweet taste. Added Marmite in the marinade gives it an extraordinary flavour that you probably won't be able to replace with other ingredients to yield the same result. Serve this with salad, roasted vegetables, rice or even on its own, you'll never regret making this because this is absolutely tasty! Love it or hate it? ..... I bet you will love it! ;)

If you think roasting whole chicken is too challenging for you,
try baking chicken wings, just halve the time :)
Honey Glazed Marmite Chicken Wings
Photo updated: 18 July, 2017


Ingredients: ??
(serves 4)

1 Free Range Chicken (1 kg) ?? 1?

2 tbsp Honey ?? 2??

Marinade: mix all ingredients in a bowl

1 tbsp Marmite ?? 1??

3 tbsp Oyster Sauce ?? 3??

3 tbsp Abalone Sauce ??? 3??

1 tbsp Ginger Juice ?? 1??

1 tbsp Sesame Oil ?? 1??

2 tbsp Shao Xing Hua Tiao Wine ????? 2??

1 tsp White Pepper ??? 1??

If you are sharing this recipe, kindly attach the link to this blog instead of screen capture/ copy & paste/ use in your blog and claimed as your recipe! Thank you. ?????????,????????????????????????????????!

Method: ??

1. Wash and dry the chicken with kitchen towel. Butterfly the chicken.

How to butterfly the chicken:

Place the chicken on a board breast-side down. Use a pair of sharp kitchen scissors, cut closely along each side of the backbone. Remove and discard the backbone. Turn the chicken breast-side up, press down firmly on the breastbone to flatten the chicken. Butterflying a chicken allows it to roast more quickly and evenly.

Watch video tutorial: 

2. Rub 2/3 part the marinade all over the chicken. Cover and let it marinate in the refrigerator overnight. Keep the remaining marinade in the refrigerator.
? 2/3 ????????????????????????????????????

3. Bring the chicken to room temperature. Place the chicken on a roasting pan. Bake in a preheated oven 180'C (fan mode) for 60 minutes or until cook through. 


- Baste the chicken with the remaining marinade every 15 minutes after the first 25 minutes of baking. 

- Wrap the chicken wings with aluminium foil if needed.   

4. Brush honey all over the chicken 5 minutes before the end of cooking. Watch closely not to burn the chicken.

5. Remove chicken from the oven, insert an instant-read thermometer into the thickest part of the thigh, not touching the bone. When the temperature reaches 75'C (165'F), the chicken is cooked. Let it rest for 15 minutes before serving. 

If you like my recipe, click hereLIKE & follow my facebook page to receive more recipe updates. Don't forget to change the setting to 'SEE FIRST' if you wish to see my post on your Facebook news feed. Enjoy!

~ Special thanks to Marmite Singapore and Singapore Home Cooks. ~ 

Some feedback from those who have tried this recipe:

By Triffany Seow

Feedback from Mandy Foo

By Melissa Oon

By Melissa Oon

By Fhen Lau

By Fhen Lau


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