March 15 - Explore the Income-Food Connection

Join us March 15 @ Burnaby Neighbourhood House (Metrotown) (6:30 - 8:30pm)

Speakers, Q&A and Discussion

According to
the BC Poverty Reduction Coalition a leading cause of health problems is
lack of food. "B.C. is facing a chronic hunger problem and significant
food insecurity
. After paying for rent, heat and electricity, people
with low income have little money left over for food so they are less
likely to eat fruit, vegetables, milk products, and other food that
1 Month Vegan Challenge
provide the nutrients they need for good health."


Trish Garner,
Community Organizer of the BC Poverty Reduction Coalition, will provide
inspiration and practical tools to support you in becoming a champion
for change in tackling the root causes of poverty. The BC Poverty
Reduction Coalition is a broad-based network of over 400 organizations
throughout BC. Trish will talk about a variety of ways to support the
provincial call for a poverty reduction plan for BC through community
engagement, public education and effective advocacy. Trish provides a
space for everyone to get involved. Trish is the co-author of A Poverty Reduction Plan for BC and a regular media contributor and commentator.

Amy Weeks
is the Food and Education Coordinator for the Greater Vancouver Food Bank (GVFB). Amy has been working with and supporting community
organizations and their food programs for over 10 years. Amy will talk
about The Role of Food Programming and how it contributes to community
connection and resilience.

Come and join a community conversation on how we can all advocate for greater equality and a more food secure future.

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