Dorayaki ?????

I have 2 Dorayaki recipes. 

- A quick recipe with simplified ingredients and method that I normally used to make my son's school bento >> Click here for recipe. This recipe yield Dorayaki that is sweeter in taste as I did not want to add fillings for the little boy to eat at school. Served plain.

Served plain. 

- Reduced sugar Dorayaki, the texture is more puffy. Less sweet, just nice to add in fillings. This is the recipe I'm sharing in this blog post. Hope you'll like it too.

My son didn't like red bean paste, his Dorayaki always served plain or with custard filling.

Ingredients: Yield 2 servings

1 Egg ?? 1? 

25g Castor Sugar ??? 25?

1 heap tsp Honey, about 8g ?? 1???,?? 8?

1 tsp Oil ? 1??

30g Milk ?? 30?

1/2 tsp Baking Powder ??/??? 1/2 ??

60g Cake Flour ?? 60?

I used Blue Jacket Unbleached Cake Flour in this recipe. 

1 Month Vegan Challenge

If you are sharing this recipe, kindly attach the link to this blog instead of screen capture/ copy & paste/ use in your blog and claimed as your recipe! Thank you.


Method: ??

1. Beat egg and sugar with a hand whisk till light and pale.

2. Add in honey, mix well. 

3. Add in oil, mix well. 

4. Stir in milk, mix well.

5. Sift in flour and baking powder. Mix well. Do not over mix the mixture. 

6. Cover with cling wrap and let it sit at room temperature for 30 minutes.

7. Cook in a non stick pan: Heat pan with medium high heat. When the pan is hot, reduce heat. Pour in batter - about 1-2 tbsp batter.

8. When bubbles appeared, flip over and cook till both sides golden brown. Repeat for the rest. Add fillings as desired. 
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