Before I had kids, I was Academy Awards-obsessed. It was like a holiday in my world. I saw every Oscar nominated film prior to the big day (and usually by myself because I REFUSE to share popcorn - plus I can't handle it if someone doesn't enjoy a movie that I do). My friends and I always had an Oscar viewing party that obviously began when the red carpet did so we could discuss fashion. I could easily stay up to watch the entire, 11-hour-long telecast, because I had energy and slept through the night. Now?? Now I've seen Trolls 150 times. The last movies I saw in the theater were Rogue One and Zootopia (had to really rack my brain to come up with that one). I haven't even heard of some of the Oscar-nominated films, nor do I know the actors in them (when I once knew their spouses and kid's names). Do I still watch the show? Yes. As much as my exhausted self can handle (and I have to find a TV far, far away from my husband to catch any red carpet action).
However, for those of you who love it, and still view it as a holiday, I'm going to offer you some Oscar-worthy snacks this week for your viewing party. Like these elegant and delicious Lobster Toasts with Avocado. If you buy pre-cooked lobster (which I found at Whole Foods) then these will come together in minutes, and they will also be eaten in minutes. And the winner is... FOOD!
Recipe HERE.
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