Lamb Stuffed Peppers and Easy Chocolate Mousse on CBC's Weekend Morning Show

 This morning on CBC's Weekend Morning Show with host Terry MacLeod, I'll be presenting the following recipes.  Wonderful freshly ground lamb is available to order at Millad's Supermarket on Notre Dame in Winnipeg.  Wonderful tomato paste is available there as well.  Just try the Tat tomato paste.  HUGE difference.

The peppers that I used were two varieties, sweet yellow and red peppers and hot green chilies.  These are available at St. Norbert's Farmer's Market on Saturday and at The Forks Farmer's Market on Sunday from Fertile Farms.  They also have huge fresh fava beans, eggplant, etc.

For the Chocolate Mousse, I used Fair Trade dark chocolate callets and, for a Proven�al taste, a floral local honey by Bee Projects, Neighbourhood Honey (Wolseley).  Very creamy honey, available at The Forks Farmer's Market and biweekly at the downtown Hydro Building Farmer's Market.

Lamb Stuffed Sweet and hot peppers

For the peppers and filling:
1 lb ground lamb (I used freshly ground Halal Lamb from Millad�s Supermarket on Notre Dame)
1 red onion, medium dice
2 - 3 cloves garlic, chopped
2 tbs Turkish Baharat, or preferred seasonings
salt, to taste
olive oil
2 tbs pomegranate molasses (optional, or 1 tbs tamarind)
mixed peppers (I used yellow and red sweet and green hot peppers from Fertile Farms, available on Saturday at St. Norbert�s Farmer�s Market and Sundays at The Forks Farmer�s Market)

Grill peppers with olive oil over the BBQ or under the broiler.  When the skins begin to darken and blister, remove from the grill and let cool.  This makes peeling the peppers easier.
In a saucepan, saut� chopped red onion until translucent.  Add the ground lamb and seasonings and cook on medium heat until the lamb is browned.  Remove from heat and stir in the pomegranate molasses.
Peel and seed the peppers.

Preheat oven to 350�F. In a saucepan, heat up for the sauce, 2-3 tbs good tomato paste (Tat, from Millad�s is excellent), 1 cup water, 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon, 1/2 tsp dried or fresh oregano, optional 1/2 cup good red wine.  Pour into baking dish.  Fill peppers with lamb mixture and place on top of the tomato sauce.  Cover baking dish and bake for 30 - 45 minutes.  Serve hot or warm.


Easy Rich Chocolate Mousse

2 1/2 cups chilled whipping cream
12 ounces bittersweet (not unsweetened) or semisweet chocolate, chopped
5 tablespoons honey (I used the floral Neighbourhood Honey of Wolesley by Bee Projects, available on Sunday at The Forks Farmer�s Market)

Stir 3/4 cup cream, chocolate and honey in heavy medium saucepan over low heat until chocolate melts and mixture is smooth. Cool, stirring occasionally.
In large bowl, beat 1 1/4 cups cream until soft peaks form. Fold cream into chocolate mixture in 2 additions. Divide mousse among eight 3/4-cup ramekins. Refrigerate until set, about 2 hours.
Whip remaining 1/2 cup cream to firm peaks. Spoon a dollop of cream in center of each mousse.


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