Chuck Chicken, The Kung Fu Chicken ~ Swiss Roll

Created on 8 August 2016

Another character from a Disney Channel series - Chuck Chicken, the Kung Fu chicken. Specially made this swiss roll for my 7yo son upon his request. 

What's in my mind? .....  Can I don't cut the cake? :D 

My son watch this show every weekdays after school. Sometimes I watched with him and find this show quite funny. This Chuck Chicken inherited a Golden Egg from his uncle Dan that gives him many amazing abilities that I couldn't name all of it, but I remembered 3. 

~ The Armadillo Shield that transform his feathers to an Armadillo-like amour

~ Speeding Cheetah that gives him the ability to run super fast 

~ Rhino-Punch that he used to punch and escape when he is trapped

This is the least likeliest super hero you'd ever meet! 

Making this into swiss roll isn't difficult at all. Well, that's because I have tried drawing Cheshire Cat and Randall Boggs in the past. Those were the two with more details. So when come to this, it's easy peasy!

Here's a video of my creation >>

Chuck Chicken

Fresh from my oven.

Chuck Chicken Swiss Roll

The inside...added some chocolate chips.
This is a mild chocolate flavour swiss roll.

Click here for recipe >> 

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