We're still excited!

Dear Food First-ers:

We're still excited from our Food Forum on June 8th! A big thank you again to everyone that attended, volunteered, donated or participated. We are grateful! There was also lots of 'food for thought' from the many fascinating speakers that took part. 

 A popular topic of the day was Food Waste. To help us understand the problem and what we can do about it as individuals, in our jobs, and in our society Jennifer Rustemeyer was one of our great speakers. She spoke on her recent documentary: Just Eat It: A Food Waste Story. We throw away approximately 40 per cent of food in the garbage! This is a staggering number. 

Credit: Eoghan 

Image from: www.foodwastemovie.com 

Jennifer is also the producer of the 2010 documentary The Clean Bin Project

As follow-up to the Forum, Food First will be working on a collaborative 'outcomes and next steps' report that will include a wide range of actions we can all take to improve food security in our community. Food waste will be one of the many topics included. So stay tuned for your opportunity to participate!

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