2 Ingredients Lemongrass Drink - helps to reduce body heat/ fever, fight flu and colds ~ Pressure Cooker Recipe

Lemongrass is widely use as a culinary herb in Asian Cuisine. It is commonly used in cooking savoury dishes, dessert and as a remedy to reduce body heat/ fever/ fight flu and colds.

I use lemongrass in many of my daily cooking and brewing drinks to cool down body heats.   One of our regular drink is the Refreshing Honey Lemon + Lemongrass Drink , that I usually cook once a week for my family.

The 2 ingredients recipe that I'm sharing here is actually a simplified version, cooked in a pressure cooker. This is a quick and easy-to-prepare remedy that I made for my son when he's having fever. 

Pic 1
2 Ingredients Lemongrass Drink


1 Month Vegan Challenge
12 stalks Lemongrass 
(washed, peeled and discard the outer layer, pound/ smashed with the back of a knife and cut)

Honey Rock Sugar, add to taste

Hot Water

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Method: if using conventional pot, click here to read the method.

1. Place lemongrass in the WMF Perfect Pro pressure cooker (I use 3L pot).

2. Add hot water to 1/3 (refer pic 1). 

3. Close with the cover and set the knob to 1. 

4. Use medium heat until the cooking indicator rises to the first orange ring.

5. Reduce heat to low and let it cook for 7 minutes. 

6. When the cooking is over, turn off heat. Turn the knob to 'unlock/lock', do not open the cover. Wait until the orange ring go back down. When there's no more pressure, open the cover,  add honey rock sugar to taste. Repeat step 3 to step 5, cook for 2 minutes. And, it's ready!

7. Discard the lemongrass, serve warm or chilled. It taste better when it's chilled. 

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