Salmon with Potato Salad & Horseradish Yogurt

We had a particularly indulgent weekend, with my son's all-day birthday party on Saturday and pre-Easter festivities on Sunday.  It's definitely possible that my middle kid had pop rocks candy for two different meals. Where do I pick up my parenting award?!  (I really hope our dentist doesn't read this blog.)  Needless to say, we were all feeling it on Monday, so I was searching for a lighter dinner that wasn't the same old same old.  I came across this salmon recipe while sitting in the doctor's office during my son's 7-year-check-up.  We are big salmon eaters here, but Carson usually grills it, so I was excited about trying out a new cooking method (and we go bananas over horseradish anything).  The recipe did NOT disappoint... the salmon was bright and tender, and the quickly-fried herbs on top were EVERYTHING.  I added some arugula to the potato salad for more greens.  I highly recommend this one!  Especially if your kids ate 17 pieces of cake last weekend like mine.    

Recipe here.

1 Month Vegan Challenge
p.s. My kids did not eat this (with the exception of my son eating a little salmon).  No, no, no... they ate whole wheat tortellini and chocked down some Spinach Balls.

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