Hello Blogging World! I have been SIRIously absent, as I'm sure you've noticed. February has been a month of highs and LOWS in our house. It started with Carson getting the flu, BIG time: low. Then there was my 35th birthday: high! Err, I guess? Then our middle child had a 6-day fever: low. Aaaaaand, then the baby got it: low, low, low. After that, we flew to Pebble Beach, California to watch Carson play in a golf tournament: major HIGH. During which, I came down with a really bad cough: low (imagine me on the golf course - a very silent setting - ducking into the forest with the deer trying to suppress a coughing fit). I think I even cracked a rib or two from all the hacking! Low! Valentine's Day: blegh. Now our son, who seemed to escape all the sick, has gone down: lowwwww. Too many lows. Anyone else ready for spring??
But this morning, I was at the Today Show: high!! I made two different veggie burgers and some rutabaga fries (recipes here) and it felt so great to be back in the kitchen. Once I knock this jet lag, I plan on making all the things I've been dreaming of these past few weeks. So come back! Don't forget about me! (Photos by Samantha Okazaki)
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