Valentine's Day and Food Security

Happy Valentine's Day! I cannot think of this day without thinking of chocolates and specific foods that we "share" with our loved ones!

So, why not break with tradition and send out valentine cards with seeds? It is almost time to start your seedings! Plus USC Canada, an organization that promotes vibrant family farms, strong rural communities and healthy ecosystems around the world, has a really cool and nifty idea to tie Valentine's Day with food, rather than saying it with roses, why not try seeds?

Source: USC Canada's Valentine's Day card!

We want to help spread the message of food security, so why not download these cute Food Security Valentine's Day Card templates and spread the message of growing your own local (and healthy) food from is a great opportunity to talk to family and friends about the importance of food:

  • where it comes from (such as shipping lettuce from California),

  • growing it yourself either in a community garden or on your balcony in a container, and

  • community building through sharing backyards!

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!

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