Homemade Pork & Prawn Siew Mai ????~??????

Woke up at 6 o'clock on a Sunday morning, with my eyes half opened, I draft out this blog...because I knew there were some of my Facebook followers are waiting for my recipe. Hope they'll try it out and love it :)

This is a classic Hong Kong Dim Sum - Siew Mai. My version that I'm sharing here, I didn't follow the classic Siew Mai recipe because everyone in my family including me, we didn't like the siew mai served in Dim Sum restaurant. To me, those are too meaty. So when I make it at home, I opt for the more prawn version. YES, you heard me right, I used huge fresh prawn to make siew mai, not the tiny shrimps. So the texture is definitely better and the taste is superb! 

Be generous to use the premium ingredients when you preparing your homemade food. This is the key to make homemade food better than the store bought/ restaurant food. ;)

Ingredients: (Yield 8 Siew Mai)

125g Prawn (Peeled, deveined, use a pair of scissors to cut into smaller chunks) 
? 125?,????,??


1/4 tsp Salt  ? 1/4 ??

Some White Pepper ??? ??

Some Sesame Oil ?? ??

75g Minced Meat ??? 75?


1/2 tsp Tapioca Flour ??? ???

1/4  tsp Sugar ? 1/4 ??

1/2 tsp Chicken Powder ?? ???

1/4 tsp Sesame Oil ?? 1/4 ??

1/2 tsp Soy Sauce ?? ???

(C) - Optional ~ I'm making this for my 6yo son, so some carrot and peas were added just to make it more nutritious for the little one. Can be replaced with water chestnut or shiitake mushroom or any ingredients of your preference.

25g Shredded Carrot and Peas 
??????? 25? (??,????????????,??????????)

Some Sesame Oil for glazing ?? ??

Wonton/ dumpling skin - 8 pcs ??? ??

If you are sharing this recipe, kindly attach the link to this blog instead of screen capture/ copy & paste/ use in your blog and claimed as your recipe! Thank you.



1. Add (A) into prawn, mix well and set aside.

2. Add (B) into minced meat, stir and mix with a pair of chopsticks in the same direction (clock wise/ anti clock wise) until the meat turn gooey. 

3. Mix all (A+B+C) until well combined. 

4. Spoon the meat mixture onto a piece of wonton/ dumpling skin. Wrap up. 

Here's the reference: ???

I made it with 

- 30g fillings for normal yellow/round wonton skin, or 22g for smaller siew mai.
???????????,? 30?????????????22??

- 40g fillings for white shanghai dumpling skin 

I never learnt how to wrap a siew mai, just figured out by myself. Here's the smooth edges version.

Here's another pattern, with some 'skirting' at the edges. My preference is this :) 

5. Place onto a lined plate/ food container sprinkled with some flour. 

6. Repeat for the rest. 

7. If making this for later use, cover the food container with a lid and store in the fridge or freezer. 

This batch was made using Shanghai dumpling skin.
Looks pale, but I prefer this one, without the yellow colouring.

This batch was made using yellow wonton skin.
Looks more like the Siew Mai served in Dim Sum restaurant.

8. For steaming - Place it in a lined Dim Sum bamboo basket. Brush the top with some sesame oil, cover and steam in a hot steamer for 8 minutes.

This batch was made using 100g prawn and 100g minced meat.
The modified ratio that I shared in this blog taste better than this.

9. Serve warm. 

If you like my recipe, click hereLIKE & follow my facebook page to receive more recipe updates. Don't forget to change the setting to 'SEE FIRST' if you wish to see my post on your Facebook news feed. Enjoy!

When my son bring this to school to eat during recess time, he always bring back the empty food container and  says 'Thanks mom, the siew mai is very yummy!'
That's my greatest motivation to continue my venture in the kitchen ;)

Some feedback from those who have tried this recipe:

By Eelynn Lim 
By Adeline Song Jun Ling

By Choi Fong

By Choi Fong

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