Flying South for the Winter

Loves Food, Loves to Eat
Next week I�ll be:
A: Lounging on a sun-drenched beach, with snorkel gear and a tropical drink nearby.
B: Exploring a jungle filled with sloths, parrots, and monkeys. And no spiders. Let�s just pretend there are no spiders.
C: Touring one of the greatest civil engineering achievements of the 20th century.
D: All of the above.

If you guessed D: All of the above, you�re correct! I�m headed to Panama! Land of sun & beaches, jungle sloths, and the Panama Canal. And ceviche! And did I mention sun? 

I�ll be back with recipes soon (I'm not actually flying south for the whole winter, sillies, just for a week). In the meantime, if you�re looking for a get-away but you're stuck at a computer, here are some quick escapes:

  • Cup o� Jo always has the best article round ups on Fridays.
  • I love this stick-it-to-em post Tim wrote about the backscratching (otherwise known as a big fat circle jer...wait, that's not a term I want my site to show up in searches for!) and yawn-inducing sameness of food media these days. He's stickin' it to me too, but I'm on board!
  • I've never made homemade noodles, but these spicy cumin hand smashed numbers from Mandyare killing me. I might swap the lamb with beef or pork though.
  • Speaking of lamb, I roasted a leg of it for the first time last weekend. I added my own spices, but followed the cooking method in Jerusalem. I�m obsessed with that book.  
  • That photo above is from our trip to Honduras�land of iguanas, baleadas, and monkey la-las. 


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