Apron Project: Volunteers Needed

As many of you, our friends in food security, may know, Burnaby Food First volunteers have been sewing handmade aprons using donated fabric for the past couple of years.

These one-of-a-kind productions are being sold at the Burnaby Farmers' Market and at other local events around town. All of the monies raised from apron sales go right back into supporting our many food security activities, including workshops and events.

The project has really expanded recently, and we want to start selling aprons online here on our blog -- but to do that, we need pictures. Here is where you come in!

Volunteers Needed! Apron Project Photo Shoot

We need models -- no experience necessary -- to pose wearing our aprons, so that pictures can be taken for our online catalogue. Are you interested? We would love your help!

For more information or to sign up to volunteer, please email us.

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