October! You�re here! I love you! I love hot cider at the pumpkin patch. I love pumpkin cakes and cookies and soups and chilis (and beers). I love sunny but crisp days, and orange leaves, and red leaves, and scarves. Guys, I have a serious scarf problem (I have like� 35 scarves. Yikes!). I love cinnamon and nutmeg so, so much.
But what I really love�are scary movies and haunted houses! I know it�s only the first of the month, but� Halloween. Do you guys have your costumes or party food picked out yet? Please tell me your house is covered in fake blood and fake cobwebs.
- The Tale of the Lonely Ghost: By far the best episode! An old haunted house, a creepy-ass child ghost, a bitchy but super popular teenage cousin. All keys to a good story.
- The Tale of the Twisted Claw: �It�s the clor of a vulchah!� Amanda and I know this one pretty much word for word.
- The Tale of the Prom Queen: Um, who doesn�t love a ghost prom queen from the 50s. I know I do!
- The Tale of the Pinball Wizard: The entire mall turns into a deadly pinball game. And there�s obviously a teenage love story in here. Enough said!
- The Tale of the Phantom Cab: Brothers get lost hiking and a creepy old dude in the woods who holds them captive� um. It�s more PG than it sounds.
I may have also spent an entire Saturday a year or two ago watching YouTube recordings of AYAOTD. Just sayin�.
Anyway, that was worthwhile! Also, to celebrate the amazingness of October I made pasta with pumpkin (fall, check), wild mushrooms (fall, check), and sage (yep, check, check, check!). It�s sort of loosely based on a Rachel Ray recipe, but don�t let that stop you from making it.
Adapted from this recipe
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 lb wild mushrooms, roughly chopped
2 cups chicken broth
1.5 cups pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie mix)
3/4 cup milk
1 tablespoon flour
pinch nutmeg
pinch cinnamon
pinch cayenne
8-10 sage leaves, sliced thin
salt & pepper to taste
truffle oil (optional)
Grated parmesan
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