On Sunday I had the pleasure of presenting Picnic Lunches for CBC's Weekend Morning Show with guest host Agatha Moir.  The Crab and Lobster salad is so easy to prepare with the excellent products from Gimli Fish.  I also prepared a seared wild caught tuna sandwich.  So simple and creates such a lovely picnic or for anytime in Summer.

Crab and Lobster salad with wontons

1 cup crab meat (Available at Gimli Fish)
1 cup lobster meat (also available at Gimli Fish)
6-10 peeled and chopped fresh water chestnuts (available at Sun Wah) * if not available, use Asian pears and NOT tinned water chestnuts
1 inch grated ginger
3-5 green onions, finely diced on a diagonal
� tsp white pepper
� tsp sea salt
� cup Mirin (available at Sun Wah and other Asian markets)
drizzle Sesame oil
pinch of white sugar

Mix all ingredients together and chill until ready to fill cones.

1 pkg frozen wonton wrappers (round or square cut in half)
canola or peanut oil
unwaxed paper cone cups

Set oven to 500�F and place paper cups upside down on a baking sheet. Brush both sides of the wrapper with oil. Cut a slit through the centre of a circular wonton wrapper and form around the paper cone and pinch together. Place in oven and watch carefully until the wonton wrapper starts to bubble and begins to brown. Remove from the oven and cool. Gently remove wrappers from the cone and fill with your favourite filling.   Please note, you can make the wontons into any shape.


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