Low cal.-Low Fat, Moist Delicious Cupcakes...too easy

are you really serious about that BIKINI ? 

go to the gym 4 times a week ?

eat fish and vegetables EVERY DAY ?

give up on all the sweets ???

NO...but you might want to consider some alternatives...

BEWARE...that swimsuit will be moving to the front of the closet before you know it.

original found everywhere on google, but i like Skinnytastes blog
makes 18 "good size" cupcakes at about 100 calories each...

1 box cake mix
for this one i used the sugar free vanilla cake mix
10oz diet soda. i used diet ginger ale
2 egg whites, slightly beaten

preheat oven according to cake mix
spray muffin tins (these stick to paper cups)
OR...i  like to use silicon muffin cups, then put them in paper cups after cooled.  i HATE it when some of my cupcake sticks to the paper!

mix eggs, cake mix and soda
pour into cupcake cups of choice... 3/4 full
bake as directed on the box.
let cool completely and add icing...SPARINGLY

1 cup powdered sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla or lemon extract
1-2 Tbsp milk of choice
add only enough milk to get icing consistency.  if it's too thin add powdered sugar...too thick? add a little more milk.
put into a small freezer baggie and cut the tip for an easy throw away piping bag.  you probably will not use all the icing (icing equals more sugar...equals more calories).  save in the fridge in the piping baggie for the next batch you will be making soon.

without icing...82 cal...19.4g carbs...1.7g protein...2.3g fat...0 sugar
with icing (if using ALL the icing), i'm guessing....110 cals, 26g carbs and 6g sugars

use the icing sparingly and they will be about 100 cals each for a good size cupcake.

go ahead, eat 2 !

BY THE WAY....the flavor combinations are endless...chocolate cake with diet cherry soda, 7 up with lemon cake, pineapple ginger ale (shown here),  cream soda with vanilla cake,  diet chocolate soda with chocolate cake(shown here)?...
you get the idea...

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