Forbidden Black Rice Egg Custard


rich with antioxidants, omega-3's and extra protein for great kick-start to all the busy holiday preparations.

forbidden rice ?...often eaten for breakfast in Asian countries.
egg custard ?...often eaten for dessert in the US.

put the two together and you have
dessert for breakfast.

a delicious custard with slight hint of coconut and a nutty black rice texture.  it's healthy, filling and fun.  use real sugar if you're not into sugar substitutes.  you could even try coconut milk if you want to.  i'm not sure how it would set.  i chose to keep the custard American style.  check out the nutritional facts below...quite good for such a decadent looking healthy treat.

note...just got a report from my co-worker and trustworthy friend Nancy.  she LOVED it!
so, i guess it passed the test.  i'm not the only one...whew


2 cups cooked forbidden black rice
4 eggs
1 cup non fat milk
1 cup 2% milk
1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese
1 1/3 scoop vanilla protein powder...i use Jay Robb Vanilla Whey
1/2 cup sugar or sugar substitute...i like Zsweet
1/4 tsp ginger
1 1/4 tsp cinnamon
3/4 tsp coconut extract
1 tsp vanilla bean paste

an immersion/stick blender is preferred, but a regular blender will work.
preheat oven to 350 F.
 and prepare a 2 qt. 8x8 glass or ceramic dish with non stick spray.
you will cook in a bain marie, so start a pot of water to boil and choose a vessel for your bain marie and put in the oven while preheating.

cook black rice and let come to room temperature, set aside.
 in a small bowl combine the dry ingredients, ie. the ginger, cinnamon, sugar sub. or real sugar and protein powder...set aside.
with an immersion blender, blend eggs, cottage cheese, 1 cup of milk.  blend until you can not see any cottage cheese bits.  add remaining cup of milk,coconut  extract and vanilla paste.
add dry to wet slowly so you don't get clumps or lumps.  blend and blend until thoroughly combined and smooth.
NOTE...i use an immersion/stick blender, but i think a normal blender will work  i don't think a stand mixer will do the job.

add the rice to the custard mixture and stir with a spoon or i gently used a hand whisk to separate the's a little sticky.
pour into prepared dish.  try to make sure the rice is even on the bottom.
bake in bain marie/water bath for 40-45 minutes.
NOTE...some rice custard recipes call for you to stir the mixture 1/2 way through the cooking to keep the rice from settling in one solid layer on the i did just 20 minutes i gently stirred.  i think it helped.
when custard looks just set, remove from oven and water bath and let come to room temp.
NOTE...this is a thicker custard because of the cottage cheese and protein powder so it should look set in the middle.

enjoy warm or refrigerate and enjoy throughout the week for a healthy breakfast or guilt-free treat anytime.

nutrition facts 
approx. for 9 servings (with sugar sub.)

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