warm creamy custardy 4 grain oats with vanilla greek yogurt and fresh berries.
my idea of dessert for breakfast.

i'm up at the crack of dawn...
mornings are getting cold and i want comfort food.
well...that's a big fat lie.
we're having an unexplained heat wave here in California, but i still want something delicious, healthy and satisfying for breakfast.  i don't want a protein bar.  i don't want a bowl of granola.  i don't have time for eggs Benedict.  i surely can't get through the day on my Mexican pastries alone.  i need something with a little substance that will keep me going and i need something i can put together and get out the door.

this is a great recipe for those no-brainer, i'm too tired weekday mornings when you need some good healthy fuel to get going. make it for a Sunday breakfast and have the leftovers warmed up throughout the week.  dress it up with greek yogurt, syrups, berries, brown sugar and cinnamon, candied pecans...i'm sure everyone has there own ideas for oatmeal extras.

it's not a throw together recipe because you need cooked oatmeal, but it IS an easy recipe if you have that ready.  the cottage cheese might seem a bit odd, but trust me...it really adds to the creaminess and you don't even know it there.  spice it up as you wish.  i always like to add a touch of cardamom, fresh ground nutmeg, cinnamon and vanilla with a touch of almond extract.
i've tried a chocolate version, but haven't perfected it yet.  it was good, but not great, so i'll wait on posting about that.  meanwhile i'll continue on with this one and some different spice combinations.  since i'm so hot about rosemary lately, maybe i'l try that in there some how...hmmmmm.  i think rosemary and maple syrup might work well together...hmmm 

adapted from Inn Cuisine

2 cups COOKED oatmeal...i use 4 grain hot cereal by Arrowhead Mills
1 1/2 cups low fat cottage cheese
2 large eggs-real eggs work better than substitute
1 cup low fat or skim milk
6 tbsp sugar or sugar substitute...i use 1/2 cup Z Sweet
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp cardamom
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp almond extract
1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder...optional

preheat oven to 325 F degrees
coat 2 Qt baking dish with non stick spray
in a large mixing bowl, blend oatmeal, cottage cheese, eggs, milk, sugar, cinnamon, cardamom, and extracts in an electric mixer until smooth.
pour batter into prepared dish and bake for approx.1 hour...mine takes about 1 hr 5-10 minutes in a square glass pyrex in a regular oven.

serve warm, room temp or even cold for on the go...

NOTE...ovens are different and so are baking dishes, so i suggest you check it after 45 minutes and keep an eye on the first one.

nutritional info (approx.)
9 servings made with protein powder and Zsweet


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