Garam Masala Nectarine Jam fresh fruits are on their way out.

i've had so much fun canning this summer, i don't know what i'll do without all this beautiful fruit to chose from.  i know... here in So. Cal. we have all the fruits and veggies we could ever ask for all year 'round, but it's just not the same when you know it's been sitting in a warehouse getting ripe before it hits the store.

nectarines have always been one of my favorite.  when i found out they are full of pectin and perfect for for jams and jellies i knew this would be a good one.
AND you don't need to peel them as you do peaches...the pectin is in the skin.
TIP....don't pick the ripest fruit.  at least 1/2-3/4 of your fruit should be firm...maybe even a few nectarines could be considered "not ripe".  pectin fades when the fruit gets ripe.

Garam Masala is a fabulous warm blend of spices mostly used in Indian and Middle Eastern cooking.  it usually includes coriander, chili, cumin,  cinnamon, cloves, mustard, black pepper, nutmeg, cardamom.   as i've mentioned before Garam Masalas can vary in flavors.  you can find it at some specialty stores like Savory Spice Shop or markets such as Mother's Market, Whole Foods or i get mine at a great Middle Eastern market called Wholesome Choice.  the one i use is by Sadaf, called Garam Masala Seasoning.

i absolutely recommend trying this jam...
it's better than plain old peach and it will be a pleasant surprise in the pantry on a cold winters morning...i promise.

Garam Masala Nectarine Jam
adapted from by Kathy228

6 cups nectarine, diced WITH peels
3 cups sugar
4 Tbsp lemon juice
zest from 1 lemon.  i use a potato peeler, then cut the strips into very fine slivers
1 Tbsp (a little over) garam masala
1 tsp almond extract

wash and sterilize your jars.  i put mine in the oven at 210 for 20 minutes then turn the oven as low as it will go until ready to fill jars.  hot jam must go into warm jars.
put 1-2 small plates in the freezer for your plate test.
start your huge water bath stock pot so it will be ready when it's canning time.

put all ingredients in a large heavy stock pot and start on low.  when your sugar has dissolved and liquid has seeped from nectarines you can raise the heat to medium high.  get a good simmer going, actually a mild boil.  stir softly so as to keep an even heat all around and no hot spots on the bottom.   when temperature reaches about 215 F add your garam masala and extract.  stir that in, softly...and do a taste test.  i always have to say be very careful with the taste IS scolding HOT...and add a little more flavor in if needed, but don't over power the nectarine.  at 220 F degrees do a plate test.......skim any obvious foam off at this point.   when  it has reached the wrinkle stage on your plate test remove from heat and ladle into sterilized jars.
process in water bath for 10 minutes.

if you are new to canning check out Food Safety

this jam was exceptionally good slathered over the Cardamom Vanilla Bean Pound Cake i posted about just a few days ago.  i haven't tried it with anything savory yet, but i bet it would be fabulous paired with a crispy skinned duck of some sort.  maybe a dipping sauce for some egg rolls?...hmmm

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